“Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of travelling”

Explorer Class: CaraBus 600 DQ or CaraTour with pop up roof

4 sleeping/ 4 seating places

599/ 205/ 258 cm (l/w/h)

96 kW (130 HP)



Active Class


- 2 sleeping / 4 seating places

- 674 / 220 / 275 cm (l/w/h)

- 96 kW (130HP)

-3500 kg

- Toilet / Shower / Kitchen

Family Class:

- 5-6 sleeping / 4 seating places

- 698 / 220 / 280 cm (l/w/h)

- 96 kW (130HP)

- 3500 kg 

- Toilet / Shower / Kitchen

Our service includes

  • Fully equipped car (basic package)
  • Airport pick up and drop off*
  • Car briefing
  • Travel Planning
  • Hotel booking* (if desired)
  • Grocery shopping*
  • 24 hours lifeline support
*not included in the rental price

For longer or frequent journeys we also offer the possibility to buy and resell cars according to your individual desires. We register the car in Germany and take care of  the camper as long as you are not travelling.

Regulations, fees and laws discourage foreigners to travel through Europe. Rental car companies charge high fees for leaving certain countries and entering others.

SchrempfundRent provides you with information and takes care about all the specific requirements so that you don’t have to worry about that during your holidays.  Our English speaking driver picks you up at the airport and supports you from the first until the last day of your journey.  


Pricelist 2021
Prices 2021.pdf
PDF-Dokument [19.3 MB]
SchrempfundRent Infofolder
PDF-Dokument [797.4 KB]

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Severinstraße 6

83026 Rosenheim


Rufen Sie einfach an unter:


+49 172 8303834


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